The Committee is made up of a wide range of North Castle Democrats who meet once a month to discuss Democratic Party issues and goals, and draw awareness to ongoing local issues.
The Committee interviews local, county and state level prospective candidates for all elected positions; based on those interviews, we choose candidates to endorse and support.
The Committee collects petition signatures from registered Democrats in North Castle on behalf of potential local, county, state and national candidates, in order to get their names on the election ballot.
As a committee, we hold fundraisers in order to support candidates, as well as campaign, canvass, phone bank and support other Get Out the Vote efforts on their behalf.
One of our main goals is to get as many citizens of our district involved in the Democratic process, because only if we are an active and engaged community can we affect change! We meet the first Tuesday of every month and are always looking for new members!
Committee Co-Chairs
Michael Akavan
Thomas D'Agostino
Treasurer: Kelly Sfarra
Secretary: Jane Summers
North Castle is divided into 11 election districts. Each district should have two district leaders who are dedicated to representing their district in the Committee. If you would be interested in becoming a district leader, please contact us.
Michael Akavan
Christine Argentina
Jose' Berra
Thomas D'Agostino
Deborah Demasi
Linda Fernberg
Norma Hill
Barry Malvin
Joe Rende
Kelly Sfarra
Jane Summers